May Hwen, OPtical Consultant
May Hwen is a Taiwanese American celebrity eyewear stylist and optical consultant with an entertainment career that includes national TV appearances in lead roles on ABC’s “Nashville” series, and commercials for brands such as Toyota and Coca Cola. She is currently working on her own self-produced national TV show concept, “Music of Eyewear,” combining her skill sets as an eyewear stylist, optician, musician, host, and producer, all in one program.
After consulting the launch and customer service strategies of notable optical brands, May opened her own optical boutique, Chart Optical, in Nashville and Los Angeles, where she has redefined the shopping experience of eyewear and eye care. In a world of self-service and fast-service options, Chart Optical offers fine service and white glove service. After developing specific teachable and scalable points of service, May aims to influence an entire global vision industry to follow suit in offering such needed services to a commodity as complex and personalized as eyewear. There is no better marketing than national and international TV to do just that, so keep an eye out for what’s next!
Photo by Alan Messer